clk2000 for DR-MDOS 5.x Y2k
zip 2kB
ALGOL68 solaris. Compiler no manual available
zip 350 kB folder tree
BATS2 Multiuser DOS + REAL32 Menu program
zip 115 kB
DR-MDOS + REAL32 utils for .BAT etc.
timers, flags, VCswitch
zip 47 kB
Adam Riese 2 Windows 95++ Calculator zip 124kB NEW VERSION 2005/2016
AdamRiese3Clever calculator for Win-Vista - Win10. Looks like AdamRiese2.
download 730kB .ZIP Some useful improvements. Ver.4 Win10 tested on Vista and on Win10.
its free
adamriese3_4win.ZIP 730 kB
AdamRiese3Clever calculator for Win-Vista - Win10. Looks like AdamRiese2.
download 716kB .ZIP Hyperbolic functions in Parser. INCH FEETVer.4.3
its free 716 kB
AdamRiese3 kubuntu ?UbuntuClever calculator for kubunti Ubuntu
Looks like AdamRiese2.
download 1.0 MiB tar.gz -> 3.1 MiB file AdamRiese3 Please download and expand in empty cd and link to AdamRiese3 for mouseclick.
its free
AdamRiese3.tar.gz 1 MiB download 3.1 MiB filesize AdamRiese3
RPN Rechner Reverse Polish Notation
Windows 3.x Mit [F1] Help file
zip 327 kB
NEW RPN2 Vista til Win10 Ver 1.4 (26. Mai 2016)
its free
RPN2.ZIP 750 kB
RPN2 Ver 2.15 (14. July 2016) howto2.txt
RPN2V2.ZIP 1,34 MB in a new folder please
You can translate and extend the vocabulary up to 300.
Can be expanded down and right. Ver.1.1 20160719
its free
Q-codes + abbreviatons
Windows Vista+ zip 800kB 2016
Sort ADIF for LOGBOOK users
Oct.2020 for new .ADI files
Ver.1.2 2020
Its free but no guarantee to work on your PC
SORTS and FILTERS .adi downlowd files.
WinVista+ Win 7-10 New Version
700kB dnld 2020 (Oct.18) upgrade 2020 Oct 18 eQSL Tx
The .zip contains a demo .adi file.
Arrows for azimuth and distance
Ver.1.x 20171211 (The size of this image is reduced)
Program named GCcalc, the zip still LOCcalc.
Ussing GREAT CIRCLE mapping to keep the arrows straight.
Can read keyboard GRID and WSPR data, Very small text editor included to import WSPR data files.
The .zip contains demo files for easy start and howto.
I found it very interesting, how the globe looks like without the usual "behind the moon" image of the ball.
Later you must make your own 4 GREAT CIRCLE image files to locate the center on your QTH. You may have multiple QTH's
July 11 2017: 2x Zoom with double click
Its free but no guarantee to work on your PC
calculates antenna direction to other grid
Most elements display a hint in english
Win Vista + Win 7-10 5MB dnld
Download and then
unzip/expand into an empty directory/ folder.
The "APP" is GCcalc.exe
Background 10km FM29KX10k.pdf Philadelphia

Add into your mylocs.txt
FM29KX10k.png 700kB
Make sortable filenames for eQSL InBox backups on your disk.

Unzip anywhere then create a link move the link to the desktop. SMALL PROGRAM.
Example result filename: "20171210_20M_G0HDV.JPG" or "201712101541_20M_JT9_G0HDV.JPG"
An improved Version compiled for Win10 is coming soon
new Feb 07: eqslstore W10 4MB dld